Why GradLeaders?

dark grey graphic image of three non descript buildings to represent the corporate benefits of GradLeaders

Expand corporate partnerships 

light blue graphic image of a report showing a pie chart and line graph to represent GradLeaders outcomes benefits

Improve employment outcomes

a dark blue graphic image of seven non descript people to represent the membership growth benefits of GradLeaders Career Center

Increase membership 

Features of the GradLeaders Career Center Platform

a light green graphic image of wheels and arrows encircling a computer screen to represent GradLeaders one stop shop capabilities

A single, fully integrated platform to handle all program needs

a dark grey graphic image of a screen with an arrow and a non descript person to represent GradLeaders simple registration process

Simple registration wizard process to maximize enrollment

a dark blue computer screen image of several data charts representing the customizable dashboard capabilities

Customizable dashboard and private-labeled system with program colors and logo.

a black graphic image of a mobile phone and tablet representing the mobile responsive benefit of GradLeaders

Responsively designed mobile interface for on-the-go members and recruiters

a dark grey graphic image of a clock and calendar representing GradLeaders scheduling capabilities

Scheduling & calendar tools designed specifically for the career service process

a dark blue generic QR Code graphic image representing GradLeaders QR code check in capabilities

Automated check-in via QR code reader

light blue graphic image of a report with a pie chart and line graph representing GradLeaders survey and reporting capabilities

One-click employment reporting and first-destination survey collection tools

light green LinkedIn graphic image representing GradLeaders' LinkedIn integration capabilities

LinkedIn integration for simplified social media profile and online resume reviews for advisors

black graphic image of hand over a mobile phone representing the self serve capability in GradLeaders Career Center for employers

Intuitive, self-serve employer portal for your recruiters with interface branded to your program

light green graphic image of magnifying glass over a resume representing the resume book capability in GradLeaders

Custom resume book utility to target employers with specific candidates

light blue graphic image of devices and globe representing GradLeaders CRM tools

Employer/Recruiter contact information & CRM tools for managing employer network 

dark blue graphic image of two pages side by side with a magnifying glass representing GradLeaders' offer comparison capabilities

Offer comparison tools for to analyze compensation data

dark grey contacts phone email mail graphic image representing GradLeaders communication option capabilities

Communication preference settings allow jobseekers to sign up for customized notifications tailored to their career preferences

light blue graphic image of a computer with JOB on the screen to represent GradLeaders job board capablility

Proprietary A.I. JobMatch algorithms automatically match jobseekers with right-fit jobs

black graphic image of a reporting screen with bar graph, line chart and pie chart to represent GradLeaders' advanced reporting capabilities

Advanced reporting, data management, and metrics visualization solutions

Now available with nSpire Talent

Logo Icon And Workmark Light

“Our annual conference remains a focal point of our organization, but with GradLeaders, we can facilitate more opportunities for our students year-round. The recent growth of our partnership with GradLeaders has created more ways than ever for employers to connect with LGBT MBAs before and after the conference. We look forward to the long-term benefits of these new recruitment avenues, and the added value for our job-seeking candidates.”

—Matt Kidd, Executive Director, Reaching Out MBA

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