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Get answers to some of the most frequently asked questions by career centers, schools, professional associations, and other workforce development organizations looking to purchase and implement GradLeaders all-new A.I. JobMatch tool and job board with instant access to millions of jobs and internships. These A.I. JobMatch FAQs should jumpstart your understanding of the module, but don’t hesitate to contact us for any needs.

Q: Are there really millions of current jobs and internships? 

A: Yes, there really are millions of open postings, at times as many as 8,000,000 available jobs and internships.

Q: Where do these jobs and internships come from?

A: Every day of the week, our AI-powered big data tool automatically finds, scans, dedupes, then adds new jobs and internships from more than 30,000 sources including employer websites, open job boards and niche feeds.

Q: What types of jobs are included?

A: Every type of job including full-time, part-time, internships, co-ops, and other experiential learning opportunities for all types of roles, job functions, experiences, and industries. Find everything from CEO, Orthopedic Surgeon, and Data Scientist postings to seasonal retail, babysitter, and nights & weekend gigs.

Q: Where are the jobs and internships located?

A: Jobs are located all over the United States including Alaska, Hawaii and Buford, Wyoming (the smallest town in the United States).

Q: Are there also remote, virtual or work from home (WFH) jobs?

A: Yes. In fact, there are nearly 1,000,000 “remote possible” jobs available.

Q: How does the artificially intelligent JobMatch work?

A: These postings are automatically tagged with standardized search criteria such as job type, location, qualifications and company info. The job postings or internships are also enriched with skill taxonomies and industry data from more than 10 billion historical job postings, which powers the intelligent JobMatch results. Once a job seeker creates a profile, uploads a resume/CV, or simply starts searching and applying to jobs we utilize that data to recommend other right-fit career paths to each unique user. 

Q: Does the job seeker have to have a resume/CV?

A: No. JobMatches can be based off simple profile fields or previous searches/applications as well. 

Q: Can the job seeker also filter the jobs to a specific industry, function, location, type, etc.?

A: Yes, good ole-fashioned manual job searches are also still possible. Keyword searches also guide the job seeker to other job titles of interest. More advanced filters can also be added based on experience, location, education level, skills, years of experience, job type, posting data, work authorization, and more.

Q: Can our employers still post jobs? Can our existing jobs from our employer network be included? 

A: Yes, for our full career center platform partners, your jobs from your employer network can still be included in your job board. And your postings can also be automatically tagged with standardized search criteria such as job type, location, qualifications and company info to improve the A.I. JobMatch results.

Q: Are my jobs being sent to other career centers?

A: No, this is not a job sharing network. Your own jobs in your own career center platform are not being distributed to other career centers.

Q: How much does it cost?

A: This new JobMatch technology and the instant access to jobs and internships is FREE to current GradLeaders Career Center partners on the Standard, Plus, or Enterprise versions of the platform. Other career centers looking for a new job board or secondary resource for their job seekers can also take advantage of this technology by purchasing our low-cost Job Board+ solution.  

Q: How long does it take to implement?

A: Not long. Implementing this new technology is quick & easy. For current GradLeaders Career Center partners, it’s the flip of a switch. All we need are any high-level filters you’d like to place on the job board. New Job Board+ customers or Career Center partners can also be up-and-running in a few weeks.

Q: Who’s using it?

A: Several graduate school and undergraduate school partners. Schedule a call to learn more!

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